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Dog Code Basics

- Keep your dog on a leash when:

  • the recall command is unreliable

  • your dog has hunting habits

  • your dog has dominant traits

  • your dog is in heat

  • your dog has a contagious illness or is recovering from an injury

  • while in conservation areas and wildlife refuges

- If on open terrain, your dog can be kept on a long leash

- If the area allows dogs to be off leash, always keep your dog in sight and within call 

- At night or when it is dark, make sure your dog is visible from a distance with reflectors or a light up collar

- If conflicts arise, deal with the persons involved politely. Personal details can be requested (ex. name, address, and telephone number)

- Maintain constant supervision when children and dogs are present at the same place

When to keep your dog on a short leash:
  • On public transport

  • At public transport stops and stations

  • On busy streets

  • In restaurants and public buildings

  • If someone requests it


Public space etiquette:

  • In restaurants, the dog on a leash and in an area where it is not in the way of guests or staff

  • Your dog should not pee in inappropriate places. Try to direct your dog to patches of grass or a designated dog toilet

  • Correctly dispose of your dog’s waste in every situation, leaving as little trace as possible. Always keep spare disposable dog waste bags with you when out with your dog

Be safe and take care of each other!

Coming soon...

A small illustrative project with more simple reminders to share positive social conduct with your four legged friends. The goal is to facilitate the interaction between dogs, their owners, and the people they encounter in their daily lives.

If you'd like to have more information or be part of the project, do not hesitate to leave a message!

If you found the notes helpful please feel free to share the page with others.

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